
Note: The translation of this text is currently under review




Article 1 – The Associação Universidade em Rede (UniRede), a non-profit civil entity with no political or religious associations, headquartered in and under the jurisdiction of the City of Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, will be governed by its Statute and these Regulations.

Article 2 – The principles, purpose and objectives of UniRede are those listed in Chapter II of its Statute.

Article 3 – UniRede will seek to achieve its objectives by:
a) holding of meetings, conferences, courses and exhibitions;
b) edition, or co-edition, and publication of its own magazines and books, as well as the use of other means of communication;
c) other activities of its own initiative or in collaboration with other specialized societies and similar associations.

Article 4 – To achieve its objectives and carry out the activities mentioned in Art. 3, UniRede may act through:
a) admission of affiliates;
b) acceptance of bequests and donations;
c) signing of agreements and contracts;
d) collaboration with scientific societies or related entities;
e) other initiatives appropriate to the Entity’s purposes.

§ 1 – The requirements for affiliation to UniRede by a scientific society or related entities will be stipulated by the Board of Representatives, with the Political Coordination Committee deciding in each particular case.

§ 2 – The affiliation of a scientific society to UniRede may enable, among other things, the following ends:
I) organization of participation in scientific and cultural meetings;
II) carrying out joint work with UniRede;
III) fee reduction for associates who belong to the affiliated company.


Article 5 – The Associação Universidade em Rede (UniRede) is composed of founding members and institutions.

§ 1 – The admission of institutional affiliation depends on:
I) the proposal presented by said institution;
II) approval by the Political Coordination Committee;
III) payment of the first annuity within 60 days of approval by the Political Coordination Committee.

§ 2 – The paid-up affiliate may request the Political Coordination Committee to suspend its membership for a specified period, not exceeding three years, upon the presentation of intent.

Article 6 – The value of the annuity and fees to be paid by the affiliates and the payment conditions will be fixed annually, by the Board of Representatives, as proposed by the Political Coordination Committee.

§ 1 – In exceptional cases, the Political Coordination Committee may allow payment of the annuity in instalments.

Article 7 – Those who have paid the annuity by the month of June of the current year will be considered fully paid-up affiliates for the purposes of enjoying the rights provided for in the Statue and these Regulations.

§ 1 – Outstanding annuities shall be paid in full to the value of the annuity in the six-month period in which the payment is to be made.

§ 2 – Affiliates who are outstanding in their annuities may have their debt renegotiated, at the discretion of the Political Coordination Committee.

Article 8 – Paid-up affiliates will be entitled to receive the Association’s publications:
a) free of charge, those annually stipulated by the Board, as proposed by the Political Coordination Committee;
b) at a reduced rate, set in each case by the Political Coordination Committee.

Article 9 – Paid-up affiliates will be entitled to receive, in due course, newsletters and other communications from the Political Coordination Committee.

Article 10 – It is the affiliate’s duty, in addition to that defined in the Statue, to comply with and enforce these Regulations.


Article 11 – The Board of Representatives will be composed of one representative from each affiliated Public Higher Education Institution.

§ 1 – The representative and their alternate will be appointed by the top authority of the affiliated public higher education institution.

§ 2 – An institution may only appoint a representative whilst it is in compliance with its obligations as an affiliate, as defined in Article 7 of these Regulations.

§ 3 – The members of the Board of Representatives may be appointed and substituted at any time.

§ 4 – A member of the Board of Representatives who misses, without justification accepted by the president of UniRede, will lose his mandate for two consecutive meetings.

Article 12 – It is the responsibility of the members of the Board of Representatives to assist the President in his duties and to discuss and vote on matters relating to the achievement of UniRede’s objectives, which may:
I. Deliberate on the general guidelines of UniRede’s policies, guidelines and strategies, guiding the board in fulfilling its duties;
II. endorse the nomination of members of the Political Coordination Committee elected by UniRede’s regional offices;
III. Evaluate and approve the terms of the management contracts;
IV. To elect the President and Vice-President of UniRede through a minimum quorum of two thirds and an absolute majority of the members present;
V. Establish the guidelines of the internal audit plan, approve and modify it at any time;
VI. Determine and authorize the hiring of external auditors;
VII. Examine and approve and, when applicable, send the following documents to the supervisory body for the execution of management contracts:
a) The budget proposal, the investment program and the action plan for carrying out UniRede’s activities;
b) Activity reports, with respective balance sheets;
c) UniRede’s accountability and annual management report;
d) The evaluation of contracts, agreements or other adjustment instruments and the appropriate management analyses;
e) The internal regulations;
f) Proposed amendments to UniRede’s Statute; and
g) The proper regulation containing the procedures for acquisitions, contracting of works, goods and services and disposals, as well as the job and salary plan and employee benefits, by a majority of at least two thirds of its members;
VIII. Monitor and periodically evaluate UniRede’s performance;
IX. Appoint the members of the Supervisory Board;
X. Establish the remuneration of the members of the Executive Secretary;
XI. To supervise the management, ascertain the faults committed, remove or apply the applicable penalties in relation to members of the Executive Secretary;
XII. Submit to the competent bodies a process in which the responsibility of a member of the Presidency or Executive Secretary for a crime against public property under the administration of UniRede is established;
XIII. Evaluate and approve proposed changes to policies, strategic guidelines, activity plans and respective budgets with explanatory statement; and
XIV. Approve the proposal for the extinction of the entity by a majority of at least two thirds of its members.

Article 13 – The Board of Representatives should meet ordinarily once a year.

§ 1 – The call for the ordinary meeting will be made by the President, at least fifteen days in advance, and will be accompanied by the agenda and documents to be discussed.

Article 14 – The call for an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Representatives will be made with a minimum of 7 days in advance and will be accompanied by an agenda and, if applicable, the documents to be discussed.

Article 15 – The Board of Representatives will meet on the first call with the presence of an absolute majority of its members and thirty minutes later, on the second call with the presence of any number.

Article 16 – In case of absence or impediment of the President and the Vice-President, the Board of Representatives will elect one of its members to preside over the meeting.

Article 17 – The registration of the matters dealt with at the meeting of the Board of Representatives will be made in summary minutes prepared by the Executive Secretary and, after being approved, filed at the Secretary of the Association.

§ 1 – The minutes will be submitted electronically to the directors for approval, within thirty days.

§ 2 – A copy of the approved minutes will be released by the Association to all members.


Article 18 – The Political Coordination Committee will be composed of the President, Vice-President and members of the Board of Representatives of each Regional of UniRede, a representative of the federal institutions, one of the state institutions and one of the technological education institutions, elected every two years in the terms of this Regulation.

Article 19 – The election of the members of the Political Coordination Committee will take place in an ordinary meeting of the Board of Representatives convened for this purpose.

§ 1 – The regional representatives will be elected by the representatives of the institutions of the respective region and the others elected by the full of the Board of Representatives.

§ 2 The mandate of the members of the Political Coordination Committee, pursuant to Art. 23, paragraph 1 of the Statute, must coincide with that of the Presidency.

§ 3 – Each member of the Political Coordination Committee is entitled to a renewal.

Article 20 – The Political Coordination Committee will ordinarily meet at least once every four months.

§ 1 – Ordinary meetings of the Political Coordination Committee will be called by the President. Extraordinary ones will be called by the President or at the request of one third of its members.

§ 2 – The decisions of the Political Coordination Committee will be taken by a simple majority of its members.

Article 21 – The registration of the matters dealt with at the meeting of the Political Coordination Committee will be made in writing, in summary minutes, prepared by the Executive Secretary and filed with the Secretary of the Association after its approval.

§ 1 – The associates may examine the minutes at any time, being able to obtain a certificate as long as necessary for the defence of a right.

§ 2 – A copy of the minutes will be published by the Association.

Article 22 – The Political Coordination Committee coordinates and promotes the activities of the Association defined by the Board of Representatives and efforts to obtain resources.

§ 1 – The Political Coordination Committee will present to the Regular Meeting of the Board of Representatives a proposal for activities for the next twelve months.

§ 2 – The Political Coordination Committee may encourage and support initiatives and activities of the Regionals, associates and scientific societies.

Article 23 – To fulfil its duties, the Political Coordination Committee may create commissions and working groups with advisory or study functions.

Article 24 – The Political Coordination Committee will submit a budget proposal to the Board of Representatives

Article 25 – The Political Coordination Committee will present annually to the Board, the annual report and balance together with the opinion of the Audit Board.

§ 1 – The Political Coordination Committee will present the report, balance and opinion of the Board to the Regular Meeting of the Board of Representatives.

§ 2 – The activity report, balance sheet and opinion of the Board must be made available to members.


Article 26 – The Presidency of UniRede will be exercised by a President and a Vice-President, elected every two years under the terms of this Regulation.

Article 27 – The election of the members of the Presidency will take place in an ordinary meeting of the Board of Representatives convened for this purpose, together with the election of the Political Coordination Committee defined in Art. 18.

Article 28 – To achieve the objectives proposed for UniRede, the President is empowered to:
I. Plan, direct and control UniRede’s services and activities, under the terms of the Statute;
II. Call and chair the meetings of the Board of Representatives;
III. Authorize expenses, promote the payment of obligations, sign agreements, covenants, contracts and other instruments of administrative and financial adjustments;
IV. Represent UniRede, actively and passively, in or out of court;
V. Communicate to the Board of Representatives, for the appropriate measures, irregular leave, vacancy in office, request for leave or leave, violation of legal and regulatory Regulations or the occurrence of an act that may cause actual or potential damage to the image of UniRede , in relation to the members of the Executive Secretary;
VI. Propose to the Board of Representatives the encumbrance or sale of assets of UniRede’s permanent assets;
VII. Appoint attorneys-in-fact, agents or representatives with specific purposes, on behalf of UniRede, jointly with the executive secretary;
VIII. Manage UniRede’s assets;
IX. Hire external auditors to monitor and evaluate UniRede’s management and accounting accounts and procedures;
X. Hire and manage personnel necessary for the full functioning of UniRede;
XI. Have the financial statements and those relating to the execution of any management contracts with the union published in the official gazette of the union;
XII. Respond legally for UniRede’s assets and financial resources;
XIII. Submit an accountability report to the board of representatives every six months.

§ 1 – The powers provided for in items III, VII and following of this article may be attributed to members of the Executive Secretary.

Article 29 – The Vice-President will replace the President in his absence and legal impediments.


Article 30 – The Executive Secretary will be headed by an Executive Secretary, to be appointed by the President and, after his nomination has been approved, he will be appointed by the Political Coordination Committee.

§ 1 – The Executive Secretary, with the approval of the President, may hire specialized employees or services to provide for the Association to function.

Article 31 – The Executive Secretary is responsible for:
a) supporting the activities of the Presidency and the Political Coordination Committee
b) coordinating the Secretary’s services;
c) keep the registration of associates updated;
d) to supervise the communication and correspondence with the associates, with the associations and related entities and the press;
e) to manage UniRede’s assets in whatever is attributed to it by the President;
f) advise the President on UniRede’s financial management;
g) supervise the collection of annuities, fees and other means of collection;
h) assist the President in preparing the budget forecast;
i) prepare the annual report and balance sheet;
j) to support and advise UniRede to achieve its objectives.


Article 32 – The Supervisory Board will be composed of three members appointed by the Board of Representatives, every two years under the terms of this Regulation.

Article 33 – The appointment of the members of the Supervisory Board will take place at an Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Representatives convened for this purpose, together with the election of the Political Coordination Committee defined in Art. 18.

§ 1 The term of office of the members of the Supervisory Board must coincide with that of the presidency.

§ 2 Each member of the Supervisory Board is entitled to reappointment.

Article 34 – In order to achieve its objectives, the Supervisory Board has the competence to:
I. Examine UniRede’s bookkeeping books;
II. Give an opinion on the balance sheets and reports on financial and accounting performance and on the equity transactions carried out, issuing opinions to the Board of Representatives;
III. Request from the President of the Board of Representatives the supporting documentation for the economic and financial operations carried out by UniRede.
IV. Advise the Political Coordination Committee regarding the Association’s financial issues and the expansion of its resources;
V. To prepare an opinion on the annual balance sheet.

Article 35 – The Supervisory Board will meet ordinarily at least once a year and extraordinarily whenever it is called by the majority of its members or by the President of UniRede.

§ 1 – Ordinary Supervisory Board meetings will be called by the President of the Supervisory Board.

§ 2 – The Supervisory Board’s decisions will be taken by a simple majority of its members.

Article 36 – The Board of Representatives may replace a member of the Supervisory Board who does not attend two consecutive meetings.


Article 37 – It will be incumbent upon the Political Coordination Committee to create commissions and working groups indicating, in each case, except as provided for in these Regulations, nature, objectives and duties.

§ 1 – The act of designating a commission and a working group shall include the term of office of its members or the term within which it must carry out its tasks.

§ 2 – The designation of commissions and working groups will be disclosed to members.

§ 3 – The Political Coordination Committee may replace the member of the commissions who does not attend two consecutive meetings.


Article 38 – In addition to the contributions referred to in Article 10 of the Statute, UniRede may also regularly receive financial resources or collaborations of another nature, including loans, from other sources, called UniRede Support Institutions.

§ 1 – The admission of Supporting Institutions to UniRede will be done through self-presentation or invitation, and the acceptance must be approved by the Political Coordination Committee and ratified by the Board of Representatives.

§ 2 – UniRede Support Institutions will receive a certificate of their condition and will have credit duly marked.


Article 39 – The present Regulations may be modified at any time, after prior manifestation by the Board of Representatives and approval by an absolute majority of those present at a meeting called for this purpose.

Article 40 – The present Regulations will come into force from the date of its approval.